Tuesday, October 16, 2012


A glimpse into our work this week......

The organization we work with here in South Africa - Global Challenge Expeditions is building a new high school here in Jeffreys Bay. A 5,000,000Rand property has been donated, and we've purchased trees to build the first of 4 staff houses.

Talk about grass roots! Our staff has been out busting the bark off of these 130 trees for many days now and many more to come! It's going to be an awesome property one day with a big school, sports grounds, a dormitory, staff houses, a day-care facility, etc. Just wanted to let you have a peek at the humble start of this great school. Each day Emi asks her dad, "Are we going to the trees?"

Here is a video of Emi barkbusting http://bit.ly/ROeEof

Marius, Jodi & Emi

A Million Thanks!!

Hello from J-bay, South Africa! 

We're finally over our jet lag now. Now that my brain is functioning properly again I want to say a huge THANK YOU from the absolute bottom of our hearts to all of our many friends (new & old) who blessed us while we were home - with buttons, toddler clothes, fabrics, onesies, meals, good advice, and lots of love. We're extremely grateful to everyone who is helping to make the Emi's Closet Project a success!

I'm changing our updates as some mentioned you would rather hear less information - more often. Please let us know what YOU think.

I will send more pics of all the donations when I get them organized. Again, thank you for partnering with us to help make a difference here in South Africa!

We love you!
The Deetlefs