Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fresh Fruit, Multi-Vitamin Syrup and Sunshine!


Fresh Fruit and Multi-vitamin syrup help keep the doctor away! Thanks to our friends in Georgia who ran the Jasper Jingle Jog in December,  we were able to buy enough multi-vitamin syrup for all the Ithemba kiddos for the whole year! AND they will each receive yummy fresh fruit packed with vitamin C every week. This is the only fresh fruit that lots of them receive at all! 

And that is just the beginning. We were also able to significantly help with the Ithemba food budget, and there are funds to still help with other much-needed basics. It really takes people contributing a little amount each to make a HUGE difference!

Jodi teaching the Ithemba kids about what vitamins are and how you get them from sunshine, vitamin syrup, and fresh fruit

Thank you Bonnie, Lisa, and Carrie for having this vision and implementing it, and for all of you runners and walkers who ran to make a difference- we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Jodi & Marius & Emion behalf of the children of ITHEMBA