Thursday, May 12, 2016

EMERGENCY on Vitamin Delivery Day!

Hi Friends,

Today was vitamin delivery day, and as it is the start of winter here it is even more important than ever that kiddos take their vitamins every day to fight against disease and infection. We visited some cute kiddos...

Here is a tiny video clip of a few more cutie pies we saw at one of the pre-schools today:

This is a new pre-school that we delivered to for the first time today.... Welcome Shama Kids!

And here are my new friends Laura and Malena from Peru who have been helping to make some of our TREASURE products which we sell to help buy vitamins for the kids. They have been spending every Thursday with me helping to make some of TREASURE's new line of recycled gift tags. They have helped SO So much, and because of them we have gotten ALOT of stock together which I'll share more later, but here's a sneak peak.  Cute? Aren't they? 

 and Malee from Thailand who, from her wheelchair, hand-made this incredible rug from our  leftover fabric scraps:


And on Tuesdays, Taneale (who is also our dog Zoe's vet as well as a fellow worship team member with me at church), who is a great seamstress, has joined Mich and I and is sewing some gorgeous  new treasures.  We are so glad to have her on board! This beautiful children's dress is  an example of Taneale's handiwork.

And I had some other faithful helpers (Michelle, Kimmie, Lynnette, and Sara) who volunteered 4 hours of their recent school holiday to help cut cardboard cereal boxes to make gift tags. It was a great help!

And lastly, the EMERGENCY happened today as my little monkey fell off the monkey bars at school and broke her wrist! Emi's first cast ever.


Please pray for Emi's wrist to heal properly, and for grace and patience as she adapts to her new left handed ways.

Thanks for keeping up with us, thanks so much for your support, and thanks for your friendship. Pray for me as I'm helping to lead a small group and we're working through "When Helping Hurts - How to Alleviate Poverty without Hurting the Poor our Yourself". It is extremely challenging, and influences the way we reach out to the several hundred kids we're ministering to now. And please also remember to pray for Marius as he has been experiencing a lot of stress and pressure at work, and one of the results has been his worsening jaw pain. He could use your prayer support. That's it for now. Be blessed!

With much love,

Marius, Jodi, and Emi


Saturday, April 9, 2016

600+ kids receiving immune-boosting vitamins - THANKS for your help!!

Hey there! 

It’s Jodi writing from South Africa. Many of you heard our Facebook S.O.S post. and you reached out to help. We are SO grateful for that. Our transition to WOM has been a pretty smooth one, and we are thanking God for continuing to meet our needs.  It's better when possible to show progress in pictures/videos, rather than in words so here goes:  This first clip is from one of the 14 cresches (pre-schools) that we take vitamins to. I asked the kids if I could pray for them, but they misunderstood and they prayed for us instead. I caught the last seconds of their sweet Xhosa prayer. Click on the you tube link below to hear it.

Here are some pics from when Mich and I did our vitamin distribution run together last week:

Jodi and Mich on the vitamin trail

Anet - 1 of the pre-school teachers

Nipholene-another super pre-school teacher!

Jodi giving a squirt of immune-boosting vitamins
Our TREASURE project is really growing.  TREASURE’s motto is “recycled. repurposed. redeemed.” That is what we do - we use recyclable materials such as coffee bags, fabric sample books, and plastic packaging to make home decor items including throw pillows, placemats, table runners, baskets, purses, and even cards and gift tags. We are so excited that people are buying our things! It seems to really be catching on. We’re building up our inventory so that I can host a pre-order Christmas sale, then you could possibly purchase some items as Christmas and I will bring them to the States the first week of December, as I’m coming home for Christmas! Yay! It would really be helpful if you could take a sec and “Like" our page on Facebook to help us get the word out. Click on the link below:

 100% of the profit of every item we sell goes to help orphans and vulnerable children THRIVE - which is why the project was created in the first place. Currently 600+ kids in Jeffrey’s Bay are receiving these valuable immune-boosting vitamins daily! We’re also helping with 2 educational scholarships, and we’re investigating the possibility of creating a back to school initiative  similar to our friends' “Give a kid a chance” program in Cherokee County, GA. There are tremendous needs here, as education is so important, and there are some bright little minds in these pre-schools who want to go to school later, but don’t have the money to do so.  Education is not free here, nor are the required uniforms so we’re growing into helping more there too.

Some people say to me, the vitamin project you’re doing is great, but why aren’t you doing more evangelism? I want to say this in regards to that. Africa is over-evangelized and under-discipled.  I mean this respectfully - unless you spend some time here in this culture you can’t really understand how true that statement is. For example, South African friends we know and work with here consider themselves to be Christians, and they sing worship music at the top of their lungs, and talk about going to church on Sundays. They ALSO dedicate their bonuses at Christmas to their ancestors and pray to their ancestors to multiply them. They regularly go to ceremonies/rituals including the slaughtering of goats and the blood being dedicated to appease their ancestors and help them flourish. They consult sangomas (witchdoctors) when they are sick or in financial or relationship trouble. And the list goes on and on and on.  I would say 99% of the African people I know here would consider themselves Christians, but so many are not willing to lay down cultural or traditional practices if those clash with their Christian beliefs.

Why am I saying this? Because they have the Gospel. They go to Church. They have heard of and believe in Jesus as their Savior, but they need to be discipled. They need for someone to walk a road with them, and consistently model and talk about who Jesus is, and how He wants us to live.  We believe it is easier to start this process with the little ones, as culture runs DEEP and we have more of a chance of getting through there. We aren’t just dropping off a liter of vitamins and calling that missionary work. We are visiting, talking, loving, playing, praying for and in that process DISCIPLING these little hearts. Sorry if this sounds like I’m standing on a soapbox but I can’t stress how true it is. Not to mention how important Jesus said that taking care of the poor is - in and of itself. James 1:27 says: “This is true religion - religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Let me tell you - I know some widows and orphans who are in distress! And I genuinely want my life to make a difference in helping look after them. Thanks for being willing to help do that with me!

Marius continues to work/disciple the staff at the Coffee Shop. He is working so hard all the time! He has also begun baking artisan bread, making hand-made pasta, and brewing his own artisan beer. I literally had a dream the other day of one day owning a little artisan village with artisans/hand-craftsmen selling their artisan crafts, meats, cheeses, breads, and craft beer. And in my dream the whole village was “ tithing” back into treasure to help the many vulnerable children in this community. We could make a much bigger impact collectively if God ever makes this dream come true! I know the beer part might potentially scare some of my Southern Baptist buddies in the States reading this, but think about the monks who spent their whole lives set apart worshipping God. They were some of the best artisan beer brewers in the world. Still are today. Sometimes I really think that Marius may have missed his calling as a chef. He is so meticulous and precise in what he does, and he doesn’t serve something unless it is perfect. This is one of the things that make him really, really good at what he does! He is indeed an artisan, and a man of integrity.

And last but not least our little 1st grader…. 
Emi and her pappa having ice-cream together

Ems with two 1st grade friends from Little Oaks - Zelki & Abi.

Emi and her cousins (Ami and Ilanza) making Easter crafts.
We spent Easter with Ouma Toekie (Marius’s mom) and we had a special Easter morning with her as Marius read the Easter story and we talked about it with Emi and then we all prayed together. One of Emi’s questions struck me as we discussed that awesome morning when the stone was rolled away and Jesus was risen! She asked, “Mom, why did Mary think Jesus was the gardener” 

"Dear woman, why are you crying?" Jesus asked her. "Who are you looking for?" She thought he was the gardener. "Sir," she said, "if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will go and get him.” (from John 20:15) 

I thought of this awesome, magnificent, Creator of the universe God that we have,  not only humbly wrapping Himself in human flesh to come to Earth as a baby, but also even in His resurrection - the day He powerfully and miraculously rose from the dead - He chose to appear as a gardener. Think about it - If you had been with the Father from the beginning of time- helped create the Earth, been sent on a mission to that Earth to be crucified for our sins -  wouldn’t you want to FINALLY show the world just how powerful you had been all along? Your earthly mission is complete and now your true self is revealed!! And instead of a glorified, gleaming, humongous death-conquering body, He chose to appear like a gardener. I love that about Jesus! He was always so unconventional, so unpredictable, always counter-culture, always true to His mission,and always so, so humble.  

I pray that you are well and that your families are well. Many. many blessings for being such a blessing to those here. Thank you and lots of love from:

Jodi, Marius & Emi Deetlefs

P.S. If you would like to partner with us to help disciple and care for orphans in S. Africa you can give online at:

or via check:
Write check payable to World Outreach Ministries and put Deetlefs #490 in the memo 
Mail to :

    World Outreach Ministries, Inc.
    P.O. Box B
    Marietta, GA  30061

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sendin' out an S.O.S.

Hey there!

It's Jodi, Marius and Emi sending out an S.O.S. from S. Africa....

Many of you are friends who’ve been a part of our journey to South Africa. We sold our house in 2007, and moved from Georgia to Africa to reach out to orphans and vulnerable children. We have been here almost 9 years! We live and work in JBay, South Africa. I have a little project called "Emi’s Closet project" that started with 11 orphans & vulnerable children 5 years ago, and is now providing valuable resources and the love of God to over 600 vulnerable children daily! Isn’t that awesome? Emi's Closet was named after our little girl Emi when she was a baby- and her closet once practically clothed a village in Swaziland! She is 6 now, and just started first grade. She’s learning so much, and she is a creative little artist, good gymnast, and very energetic kid! She is perhaps the best missionary in our family as she NEVER meets a stranger, and often conversations begin (at the grocery store, in the park, in our coffee shop, etc.) through Ems. I love that kid!

Through "Emi's Closet" immune systems are being strengthened, kids are being educated, and I get to regularly share the love of Jesus with these little ones who are in real need of hope. The whole idea of our little project was to help orphans and vulnerable children THRIVE, and the Lord continues to show us more effective ways to do that. These at-risk kiddos, ages 2-7 years old, have some REALLY tough lives due to poverty, lack of parental guidance, and in some cases abuse. We reach out in may ways to improve their health, education, spiritual and emotional lives. My friend Mich and I also have a recycling/sewing project called TREASURE

where we recycle/repurpose plastic packaging, burlap, and fabric sample materials into beautiful cushions, table runners, placemats, cards, etc. to help fund the purchase of vitamins for these 680 kids.We love making what others would deem trash into something beautiful! You can check out some of our creations through our friends at Grace Klein Community's ETSY store here: .This project also has the added benefit of creating income for 3 South African women -enabling them to better support their families.

Marius serves in the business community here through his dedicated work at our little coffee shop. We host a monthly men’s prayer breakfast there, and new families to J-bay are attending the local church we’re part of here as a result of meeting Marius at the coffee shop. Marius models integrity, a desire to do things with excellence, and a heart full of generosity.  This year we’ve been able to supplement our monthly support with $400/mo from the coffee shop, which is really a blessing as our monthly support has been steadily decreasing, and is currently  1/2 of what it was 5 years ago! It has been our hope for the business to grow and to not be dependent upon outside funds , but this is a slow process. So, in the meantime - we need some help. 

We are sendin' out this S.O.S. to our friends/family around the world to try and raise some additional support in order to continue to minister here in South Africa. There are many blessings our job provides, but we didn't choose a profession where our job performance leads to regular pay increases. :) 

If you are in a position to, would you consider financially partnering with us?This is what we’re proposing - a donation of $5/week, which is about the price of 1 large Starbucks or  1 Little Caesar’s pizza/week. :) This FIVE BUCKS/wk could make a BIG impact and help us continue to reach out to “the least of these” here. And if you can’t do that, would you consider giving a one-time gift to help us get back on track financially?

The truth is NOBODY enjoys sending out letters asking for financial support - it is one of my least favorite things to do. But, as humbling as it is, we must raise some additional funds in order for us to continue ministering here.

We’ve recently joined forces with World Outreach Ministries.(  They're a great 501c-3 organization in Kennesaw, GA who is processing all of our donations, mailing out our tax-deductible receipts, and they even accept credit cards from all over the world - which is a new thing for us - enabling us to fund-raise globally for the first time.So, let's see if it works!

There is really no pressure - just consider if you're in a position to spare $5/week ($20/month) and if you feel led -then join forces with us and be a part of making a difference in these little lives.

Please keep us in your prayers as we will keep you in ours!
Much love,
Jodi , Marius & Emi

Jeffreys Bay, South Africa

P.S. If you would like to partner with us to help care for orphans & vulnerable children here in S. Africa you can click on the link below: and follow the prompts

Or you can write checks payable to World Outreach Ministries, write Deetlefs #490 in the memo and mail to:

    World Outreach Ministries, Inc.
    P.O. Box B
    Marietta, GA  30061

P.S.S. Thanks for taking the time in your busy day to read this! :)