Hi Guys,
I don't know about you, but I am so thankful on this Good Friday for the Cross. We live in such perilous and uncertain times. Whoever imagined we would live in a world where there are suicide bombers and shootings in city parks, churches, and elementary schools. Who knows what will happen next with Russia, North Korea, or Syria. In my country of residence, which is knee-deep full of corruption, there is great uncertainty as to what will happen if our president gets his hands on the national treasury. Everywhere you look, there is uncertainty, fear, apprehension of the future.....
And that's why today I pause to say I'm so thankful for the Cross and for the Empty Tomb. Had Jesus not given His life to change all of our futures, had that tomb not been empty and had there not been a God powerful enough to raise His son from the dead - then all we would have is uncertainty.
But praise be to God! Jesus did sacrifice His own life for mine on the cross, and that tomb was empty because God did have the power to raise Him from the dead. Therefore, my story does not end here amidst a sea of uncertainty. I have faith in a powerful God who is Sovereign above all powers, all rulers, and who will have the final say. Yes, we live with uncertainty, but our future is not uncertain. We will truly live in eternity with God because of what Jesus has done. This world is not our final destination. There is more to come!!! So I live with Certainty in the midst of all the uncertainty. Of this I am certain - God is Good on this Friday- the 14th of April, 2017, and this uncertain world won't be where my story ends.
Happy Good Friday! Know that we love you very much.
Jodi & Marius