Saturday, May 11, 2013

Emi’s Closet Sale -- a HUGE Success!

Wow, I just have to share with you about our recent Kids’ Clothing Sale for Emi’s Closet. So many of you in the States donated clothes and craft supplies, so you just have to know the wonderful end result of your generous donations! Rather than writing a long blog, I will just show you the pictures and explain as I go in the captions. Thank you so so much for being a part of Emi’s Closet – a project created to help orphans and vulnerable children of Southern Africa to thrive!!
This was my living room after unloading 13 suitcases full of clothes to sort, launder, hang, and tag for the sale.
This was a good new friend Krissy from Lakeside, Montana, who came to help for a week in J'Bay. She really helped so much! What a blessing it was for her to be here with us! 
The local mall in Jeffrey's Bay allowed me to set up my Emi's Closet sale in an empty store for FREE! It was an absolutely awesome location.
We had a 2 day SALE - Friday and Saturday of last week
We were able to borrow tables and clothing racks and hangers from generous department stores in the mall, when they heard that all of the profit would benefit the vulnerable kids of our community.
It really looked like a real shop! We made banners and signs.
Everything was very well organized so people could easily find exactly what they needed.
My dear friends Noekie, Hanna, and Nancy helped make it all happen!
Following some good friends advice, I even hired a security guard who was a former college basketball player to be extra safe. (Thanks Neal for my basket plan!) 
We sold some of our cute handmade owls - which I designed and my friend Nancy from Zimbabwe sewed.
Everything was nicely displayed in wooden crates made by a man in the mall who let us borrow them.

We really sold a LOT of clothes - R28000 in sales for 2 days. AMAZING, huh?  All of the profit is for the less fortunate kids in our community! We're already starting by providing multi-vitamins for the YEAR to 52 kids -at Mommy's Day Care. We will also be helping them to repair their fence and help with ground cover as a start............ So cool - thanks to all of you who made this possible!!
Out of all of those clothes, this rack was all that was left! Stay tuned to hear what we did with these clothes - - PART II of this blog coming soon...........


Jodi & the Deetlefs family