Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In the Bush!

Here are a few photos of us in the bush. The Global Challenge mission participants were there as part of their "survivor" training for a week, and the Global Leadership Academy high school students also got to spend a weekend out there with the Global Challenge guys! It was great. They presented the gospel message to these high school students and had "D-groups" (discipleship groups) every afternoon. An awesome week for all!
The road into the bush

This doesn't look like Africa, does it?
Marius was definitely missing our old Pajero at this moment!

D-group time

Global Challenge Leadership praying about the day

Marius by the staff tents

Emi and our friend Hanna ( the Drama teacher at Global Leadership Academy)
Our bush baby on the way home from her adventures in the bush

Please keep us in your prayers as we leave tomorrow morning for Transkei, which is a very rural, poverty stricken area. Our 42 Global Challenge participants will be helping on 2 projects for the orphans there. There are also many AIDS orphans in this area as there were in Swaziland. Marius is helping with the content of this time, so pray for him as he prepares to touch on topics like cultural sensitivity, servant leadership, and flexibility (something we will also be applying during the outreach!). It's about 8 hours away, so please pray for everyone's safety as we travel tomorrow, as well as an amazing 10 days in Transkei that the Lord uses to prepare them for their journeys around the world!

We REALLY appreciate and love you guys!
Jodi, Marius and Bush Baby Emi


  1. I am so glad that you are able to spread God's Word! Your pictures are AWESOME. Even though Emi is so young, she will be able to look back at these pictures when she gets older and see all the adventures that she has been on over the years and all the good that her parents have done in the world. God's love will protect all of you and take care of you throughout your travels.
