Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Come Celebrate with us - 10 years in S. Africa!

Hi Guys,

This day, and Jesus giving His life for us on the cross mean that we are Free! I’m so grateful for the life and freedom and hope we have in Jesus!

AMAZING things have been happening here in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa! So amazing that i haven’t had time to slow down and tell you about them. So, here is a catch up for the last couple of months. See for yourself all that God is doing here...

1  Thanks in large part to my GENEROUS friends in the USA, we were able to get the occupation certificate and open our new school on time in January. It was nothing short of a miracle! Thank you so much to those of you who gave to make this school a reality. Three of the four buildings are now completed, with only 1 log cabin left to finish.  We still need to finish out the insides, but they are functional and  little lives are being changed at our new Christian school Oakridge Academy!  Here are some construction progress pics:


2  We have started construction on the new playground which will also be able to accommodate kids with disabilities. This playground has already brought so much joy to the students, especially little Chad who has cerebral palsy and has never been able to play on a playground before now.  THANK YOU to those who gave towards creating this playground! 

3.  The Emi’s Closet Vitamin Project has just reached the 1,000 mark!!  That’s right - 1,000 vulnerable children in our community are now receiving immune boosting vitamins every day. A church friend of mine who teaches at a brand new school asked if we could provide vitamins for her class. When the principal found out, she phoned to ask if we could bring vitamins for the whole school - so now we’ve added King’s College and their 400 students as recipients of Emi’s Closet daily vitamins. Glory to God!  These little lives are going to be changed! After having a great talk with the school principal and finding out more of their needs, we want to try and raise enough money within this year to be able to offer a full 4 year high school scholarship to Global Leadership Academy to the top student at Kings College in 2019. If you would like to help us with that, details of where to give are below. Help us break the cycle of poverty by helping a bright child continue at the best high school in town!


4.  And last but definitely not least…. Emi got baptized!  This has really been strong on her heart over the past year and she continued asking when she could be baptized, so this December when all of the grandparents were here, our 8 year old daughter Emi was baptized in the Indian Ocean with our pastor Murray and her dad. Our close friends and family had a very special time of praying for her afterwards. Watch out world because it is still her dream to be a rock star for Jesus! We are so grateful that our daughter loves Jesus and is shining her little light bright!

There’s much, much more to tell you, but I’m trying to keep it short.  Hint. Hint…. We look forward to seeing you face to face.

**Marius is preaching  & I will be singing this Sunday, July 8th, at Jasper United Methodist Church - all 3 services. 8:30 a.m./9:45 a.m./11:00 a.m. (www.jasperumc.org)

**Marius will also be preaching & I will be singing next Sunday, July 15th, at Trinity Church both services, 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (trinityonthenet.org)

Lots of love and gratefulness coming your way from…..

Jodi, Marius & Emi Deetlefs

Here are a few giving opportunities where you could really make a difference.  Just click on the blue link below.  Even $5 can help! These are current needs here:
*the finishing touches of the 3 school buildings (floor tiles, light fixtures, furniture, paint for the walls)  $3400
*increase of 400 vulnerable children to receivie vitamins App. $4600/yr
*money for a 4 year high school scholarship for the top student at King’s College in 2019 ($150/month x 4 years) = App. $7200
*personal need: airfare for our family to come to the States in June (We are coming to celebrate with you 10 years of God’s faithfulness  of our partnering here in South AFrica - more on that in the next update) App. $5800

checks can be made payable to World Outreach Ministries with Deetlefs #490 in the memo 
Mail checks to :

    World Outreach Ministries, Inc.
    P.O. Box B
    Marietta, GA  30061

1 comment:

  1. Come see us at JUMC on July 8th or at Trinity Church on July 15th
